Law Firm

Cuellar Salas and Cuellar Steffan, SC, is the Law Firm in Mexico with professional practice since 1975, which for their achievements and experience of each of its members is identified as a specialist in Constitutional Law firm, Administrative Law, Corporate Law, civil and Commercial Law.

Mission understand as the deepest duty to study, based on research effort, diligence and critical preliminary approach to defense strategies and processes that are entrusted to us; and as our obligation to the hard work and careful attention to the causes that are entrusted to us.

We firmly believe in honesty and justice as supreme values of society, and severely condemn the corruption and manipulation of justice as mechanisms for solving any problem, considering them harmful elements that affect the future of Mexico.

The law firm has maintained a steady growth pattern thanks to the incorporation of new members to the company, for the expansion of its facilities and the consequent acceptance of a greater number of issues.

The Firm has served sponsoring specific judgments and providing advice in many cases for the private sector and public sector mainly occasionally, in areas such as:

  • Telecommunications
  • Economic competition
  • Banking and Finance
  • Health and Intellectual Property
  • Real-Estate
  • Energy and Environment
  • Government Procurement Law and Dealer
  • Maritime, Air and Transport
  • Cinematography
  • Commercial establishments, Advertising and Public Entertainment
  • Gaming and Lotteries
  • Responsibility of Public Servants
  • Copyright
  • Other Private Sector and Business
  • Federalism, budget and public expenditure
  • Electoral regulations and the government sector

It has taken the logical and necessary policy of total secrecy around disclosure of customer identity, obligation to which its members are also subject by law and principle of professional ethics.

Practice areas

Experience, safety, discretion and trust.


Experts to analyze and apply the fundamental laws that govern the State. We apply the form of Government and regulation of the public authorities, both in its relationship with citizens and between its various bodies.

Constitutional Amparo

Experts in trial of constitutional amparo as a means of defence which aims to protect human rights or fundamental rights established in the Constitution, as well as in the treated international.


Experts in the regulation of the public administration for their legal systems regarding their organisation, services and relations with the citizens.

Civil and Commercial

Experts in private legal relations that represent the formalisation and term of trade agreements by applying the current circumstances in economy and relations between companies and individuals.


Experts in the exploitation and use of the legal instruments that have an impact on the formation, organization, operation and control of companies.